What is an Advanced Directive?

Planning for Your Future Healthcare Decisions


One of the most important aspects of healthcare is ensuring that patients receive care in accordance with their wishes and values. Advance directives are a valuable tool that can help individuals and their loved ones make crucial decisions about medical care, even when the patient is no longer able to communicate their preferences. This blog post will outline what advance directives are, their importance, and the various types of advance directives available to individuals.

What is an Advance Directive?

An advance directive is a legal document that specifies the type of medical care an individual would like to receive or not receive in the event they become incapacitated or are unable to make decisions for themselves. These documents are typically created in advance, allowing individuals to express their healthcare preferences while they are still capable of doing so. This ensures that their wishes are respected and provides guidance for healthcare providers and loved ones in difficult situations.

Why Are Advance Directives Important?

There are several reasons why advance directives are essential:

  1. Autonomy: Advance directives allow individuals to maintain control over their healthcare decisions, even when they can no longer express their wishes themselves.
  2. Clarity: These documents provide clear guidance for healthcare providers and family members, reducing the risk of disputes or confusion about the patient’s wishes.
  3. Reduced Burden: Taking care of end-of-life decisions, can relieve family members and loved ones from the emotional burden of making difficult decisions on behalf of the patient, as they can be confident they are following the patient’s preferences.
  4. Peace of Mind: Knowing that one’s wishes will be respected provides a sense of comfort and assurance for both the individual and their loved ones.

Types of Advance Directives

Two types of AD:

  1. Living Will: A living will is a written document that outlines specific medical treatments an individual would like to receive or refuse under certain circumstances. This may include preferences regarding life-sustaining treatments, pain management, and other interventions.
  2. Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare (DPOA-HC) or Healthcare Proxy: This is a legal document in which an individual designates a trusted person, known as a healthcare agent or proxy, to make medical decisions on their behalf if they become unable to do so. This person should be someone who understands the individual’s values and wishes and is willing to advocate for them.

How to Create an Advance Directive

The process for creating an advance directive may vary depending on the laws and regulations of your jurisdiction. However, some general steps can be followed:

  1. Research: Learn about the specific requirements and guidelines for advance directives in your area.
  2. Discuss: Talk to your loved ones and healthcare providers about your wishes and preferences for medical treatment.
  3. Choose a Healthcare Proxy: If applicable, select a trusted individual to act as your healthcare agent.
  4. Complete the Documents: Fill out the required forms for your jurisdiction, and ensure they are legally valid, which may require witnesses or notarization.
  5. Distribute Copies: Provide copies of your advance directive to your healthcare providers, family members, and your healthcare agent.
  6. Review Periodically: Revisit and update your advance directive as needed, particularly when there are significant changes in your health, personal life, or medical preferences.

Resources to complete AD documents


Advance directives are a crucial aspect of healthcare planning, as they allow individuals to maintain control over their medical care and provide guidance for healthcare providers and loved ones. By understanding the different types and taking the necessary steps to create one, you can ensure that your preferences are respected and provide peace of mind for both yourself and your loved ones.


Nick Farr is an innovative and person-centered strategist with a multifaceted career history that was built on an open and empathetic focus on leadership. For 17 years, Nick served as a full-time pastor in churches located in Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana, Arizona, and California. He continues his work with people as a Hospice Chaplain, Bereavement Coordinator, and patient placement specialist.

His career has been steeped in supporting individuals across a wide prism of needs, spanning extensive contract & consulting work, supporting fledgling businesses in finding their voice, church leadership, and bereavement counseling guiding families and patients through their last steps on Earth.

He seeks to connect with people of diverse backgrounds, across all demographics, giving help and support during the wonderful and difficult times of life.

His goal is to be a deeply caring leader with professional integrity.

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